Plus-X-Creative is starting up the project ‘∞ Infinite Lines’ – by and for artists – to explore existing digital platforms and software which can help overcome corona restrictions, especially concerning musicians and artists working together and performing (in front of a live audience) during these difficult times.
We will research and experiment via platforms such as Bandlab (for real-time online collaboration) and Twitch (live streaming) to find out what works and what doesn’t.
From November 2020 to September 2021 we’re posting monthly updates on our research and experiences in our blog.
In practice we’re implementing this research with music provided by X-enia, a band from the Netherlands (electronic, experimental music) founded by singer/producer Xenia Gottenkieny. Together with drummer/producer Manfred Gstrein and a select group of session musicians they will record music, explore and test the possibilities of these ‘realtime’ workspaces and communities.
The end result of this online collaboration will be released on X-enia’s second album and presented with live performances (streaming) in September 2021.
Made possible with kind support from Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
We hope that with the '∞ Infinite lines' project we can provide you with enough insight and a guide through existing online platforms, workspaces and tools to get started with your own music project!