From at least 1300 bands X-enia has been selected for the Popronde Tour 2016! She will be performing solo and with guest musicians.
Popronde is a national traveling festival. Each autumn from September to November the Popronde takes place in a number of cities cross country. In 2016 Popronde settles in 41 cities: from Leeuwarden to Middelburg, Venlo to Alkmaar and Deventer to The Hague, no city is safe! One evening in every city about 35 emerging Dutch bands and artists from twenty stages will be performing. Participating venues include cafes, galleries, theaters, record stores, churches and clubs, mostly in the center of town. One evening a the year they are the showcase for the new generation of pop musicians and the center of the festival grounds.
Popronde is free in every city.
Popronde offers (as yet) unknown bands the opportunity to present themselves outside their own region and intensive tour and playing experience. The programming is not tied to one music style and provides an overview of what kind of live music is happening right now in the Netherlands. From metal to hip hop, from singer-songwriters to drum ‘n bass, from rock to blues, almost every genre is represented. Popronde is a showcase festival and certainly contains no element of competition!
Popronde website